Over 30 years ago, 3M scientists developed a product which would help effectively protect building entrances from dirt. The first Nomad™ matting product with its revolutionary vinyl “coiled loops” was developed to help remove moisture as well as dirt and debris.Incorporating carpet fiber technology, 3M expanded its entrance matting offering. Today, thanks to continuous innovation and proven expertise, 3M offers a complete line of entrance matting as well as
Safety-Walk™ branded wet area and anti-fatigue work area matting.
3M™ Nomad™ Floor Mats
3M™ Nomad™ Entrance Matting
The 3M™ Nomad™ Entrance Matting System is designed to stop dirt and
moisture at the door, helping keep floors clean throughout your
3M™ Safety-Walk™ Wet Area Matting
3M™ Safety-Walk™ Wet Area Matting is unbacked matting in flexible vinyl with an open mesh structure that allows water to run through the matting so that the surface stays drier than the surrounding area.